Cam Reddish NBA Draft Player Comparison

Cam Reddish

Basketball Society will continue providing you with all of the NBA Draft material you are looking for before June. Today, they continue their NBA comparisons for some of the top players in the 2019 NBA Draft with Cam Reddish.

[You can read Cam Reddish’s full scouting report here: Cam Reddish Scouting Report]

These comparisons, as noted in our previous ones (which you can view below), are based off of their measurements, college stats, and overall play style. None of these player comparisons are perfect, but we choose the ones that the majority of our writers agree on.

For Cam Reddish, we decided on Joe Johnson for the comparison.

Cam Reddish wasn’t easy to pin down a comparison for, but we think this is one of our favorite ones to date. We also had guys suggest Paul George and Gordon Hayward.

Not only does Cam Reddish share a similar skill-set, he is also clutch just like JJ! Cam Reddish has already shown that his clutch gene in many games, most notably against Florida State and Louisville.

Reddish’s FG% is very unattractive right now. But, he has a nice enough stroke that we can confidently say that number will thoroughly improve once he moves onto the NBA.


Here are the other NBA comparisons we have made for some of the top 2019 NBA Draft prospects if you’ve missed them:



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