Cam Reddish Scouting Report

Cam Reddish

School: Duke

Year: Freshman

Height/Weight: 6’8, 218 lbs.



Shooting, shooting, and more shooting. That’s what we’ve heard about Cam Reddish, but it’s been the other parts of his game that we’ve been so impressed with. First is his slashing ability.

With Cam Reddish’s size, it’s pretty easy for him to weave his way through some of the defenses he’s faced off against. But, it’s the skill he has and the moves he pulls off that get us so excited about his game. He can finish some pretty difficult shots at the rim if he’s just awarded that little wiggle room. Sometimes, it doesn’t even seem like he’s given that room and yet he still gets the bucket to go.

He makes intelligent cuts to provide an open passing lane for the ball handler which is absolutely vital.

His defense is also particularly fantastic. His eyes are always up and he can cut off passing lanes as well as anyone else in the country with his long arms. Listed at 6’8 and being 215+ pounds gives Cam a great advantage size wise against his competition. This allows him to switch on any position in college and one he builds up his frame a little more, he should be able to do that in the NBA as well. Cam’s help defense is something we love as he seems to make the right decision to help when needed or to stay on his man when one pass away.

We haven’t even mentioned the shooting which is very solid when coupled with the other parts of his game. He loves moving off-ball and getting to the open spots on the floor so he can knock down the open treys.



Let’s talk about his shooting for a minute because while he’s got great form, he hasn’t shot it at a great clip this year. We’ll come back and check on his progress later on in the year, but there has to be a concern with him just not being able to knock down as many threes as we had expected given how much we love his form and how often he gets himself some open shots.

The other weakness to his game is honestly the unknown. We don’t know exactly what he has in the tank because of the ball dominant R.J. Barrett and do it all Zion Williamson that he has beside him. We’ve seen Cam Reddish as a slasher and spot up shooter. We haven’t seen if he’s capable of being a true play-maker for a team and how good he could be if he was getting up closer to 20 shots a game. From what we’ve seen, Cam isn’t a good passer, doesn’t make direct passes, and has many unforced turnovers. We’ll see over time if that is a common theme for him.


Future Outlook:

Cam Reddish is one of the top prospects in this draft without a doubt. Even from what we’ve seen of him, he’s easily one of the most talented players. There’s a lot that we haven’t seen from Cam yet and that’s what is so promising. The unknown, yes while we listed it as a weakness, can also be turned into a positive given the potential that Reddish has to be great.

Right now, we can easily see Cam Reddish as a top 5 pick and we seriously can’t see a scenario where he falls outside of the top 10. As long as he continues to develop his game throughout the season with Duke and starts to knock down more of those threes, Cam Reddish will be a top pick in the 2019 NBA Draft.

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