Kevin Love Has Surgery on Shoulder, Out for 4-6 Months


Kevin Love

On Wednesday afternoon, Kevin Love officially underwent surgery on his dislocated left shoulder. The Cleveland Cavaliers announced that he will need four to six months to recover.

This past Sunday, Kevin Love had his arm locked up by Kelly Olynyk in the Cavs Game 4 sweep of the Boston Celtics. Kevin Love felt that it could have been a dirty play, but Olynyk came out and said that he had no intention hurting Love. After MRI tests determined that the injury was worse than expected, the Cavaliers assumed that he would likely miss the playoffs. This news only solidifies it.

Cavaliers general manager David Griffin told reporters he expects to see Love in a Cavaliers jersey next year,

“We were playing at a tremendous level and getting the full extent of Kevin, so it’s very difficult to have that taken away from you,” Griffin said this week. “At the same time, I think he realizes we’re set up to potentially be pretty good in the future, and he’s excited about being part of that, too.”

Surgery and missing most of his teams playoff run was not in Love’s mind coming into this season. Although, he should not be upset with what he made out of this season. He averaged 16.4 points per game along with 9.7 rebounds per game.

It has been a season of tension for Love though as he and teammate LeBron James were known for butting heads. He has the option of going elsewhere this summer, but I personally think that he will ultimately stay in Cleveland where success is guaranteed for years to come.


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