I wouldn’t trade Ben Simmons for anything, and here’s why


The Minnesota Timberwolves have been looking to trade Jimmy Butler for a little over a week. Multiple teams have been involved in the process, including the Los Angeles Clippers, Houston Rockets, and the Miami Heat. One team that seemed to be a sleeper, were the Philadelphia 76ers. The rumors were that the Sixers were interested in Butler’s talents if the offer fit the bill in what the Sixers were open to trading.

Those rumors were soon squashed when the Timberwolves reportedly wanted to deal Jimmy Butler in exchange for Ben Simmons. The Sixers were out of the race once they heard that offer.

It was a nice attempt by Minnesota to try and get one over on the new Sixers general manager Elton Brand, but even Brand knows that a trade of that caliber could have ultimately ruined his career before it even began.

I would never trade Ben Simmons, no matter what offer came my way as the Sixers GM and here’s why…

Bill Streicher-USA TODAY Sports

Ben Simmons is the current cornerstone, along with Joel Embiid, of the Sixers franchise. He’s a player that really does not come around, well ever really. You can’t really compare a Giannis Antentoukoumpo coming into the league as a young player from Greece because of his game way really unpolished when he entered the league. He was a project before he became the player he is today. Credit to himself, and the Buck organization to finally turn him into a player they could build around which was the long-term plan.

The only real player that we have seen in the NBA you can compare Ben Simmons to is Magic Johnson. Magic came into the league and took the league by storm coming in and playing all five positions as a rookie in the NBA Finals and winning the NBA Finals in his first season. That’s another reason why I would never trade Simmons, because of his ability to play multiple positions, but while in those positions, having the ability to really distribute the ball.

We all know Ben Simmons has to work on his jump shot, and over time, it will definitely improve, but for not being able to stretch outside of the paint, 15 points, eight rebounds, and eight assists per game is pretty good for a rookie. Simmons’ ability to make the players around him better is his best asset, and combining that with his true domination at the position, is something that really can’t be obtained by many players in the league, especially at his age.

So far, Simmons has also been durable starting in 81 out of the 82 regular season games, it seems that Simmons has already been able to show why he is available for this franchise night in and night out, and like the NFL, availability is the best ability. Yes, he broke his foot and sat out his first season, but from here on out if he is able to show availability it will only prove more why he is immovable. Simmons is also a player that can really attract high priced free agents with the way he is able to make players around him better. Combining this with the ability we already know Joel Embiid has, it can really be a recipe for success for the Sixers if they are able to attract free agents after this upcoming season. We know that this class of free agency is stacked, so the opportunity is there for the Sixers to make a move.

Ben Simmons is an immovable asset because after just one season in the NBA he has shown the ability to be dominant, but also shown why he improves everyone on a team around him. His intensity and tenacity for the game are something that can’t go unmatched. He has everything you want in an NBA player, and to trade him for someone who may already be proven, but not much of an upgrade would be assinine.


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