DeAndre Jordan To Seek Max Contract


DeAndre JOrdan

According to Marty Gitlin of CBS Sports and Yahoo Sports, DeAndre Jordan will be seeking a max contract this offseason. 

Jordan proved himself to be a superior defensive big man this season for the Los Angeles Clippers, and that means he wants to find himself a fat paycheck. As reported by Yahoo, the Dallas Mavericks are in the top of the list of teams who can give it to him. 

The Clippers’ main priority this offseason is to re-sign Jordan. However, they also have a few needs if they want to get to the conference finals. On top of that, there was a report that DeAndre Jordan and Chris Paul had a falling out after their most recent failure in the playoffs. Sam Amick of USA Today also reported that Jordan is tired of playing the third option behind both Paul and Blake Griffin. 

Doc Rivers seems to be optimistic that DeAndre Jordan will return. (Via CBS article):

“You can’t take anything for granted, but DJ loves being a Clipper,” he said. “DJ loves being here. We have an amazing relationship.”

We’ll just have to wait and see which articles turn out to be true and which are just rumors. There are plenty of teams in need of Jordan’s services, so he could be a hot commodity this summer.


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