Anthony Edwards Scouting Report

Anthony Edwards
Photo Credit: Martin Soaries

School: Georgia

Year: Freshman

Height/Weight: 6’5, 225 lbs.



Anthony Edwards is a tough bucket getter. He can get to any spot on the floor that he wants with his plus handle and size.

Let’s start by talking about his handle. AE constantly keeps the ball on a string and goes into his bag often to gain separation from defenders on the perimeter. What’s he got in his bag? All of his moves seem like they are at an NBA level. He’s got a quick step-back and an even quicker first step that he’ll utilize often coupled with a few in-n-outs.

The step-back isn’t at a Luka Doncic level, but it gives him the space he needs.

Another major strength for Anthony Edwards is his release. It is quick, at a very high point, and picturesque. The quickness is what allows for him to get off the shots without an elite space creation ability. It is also a very flexible release. His body isn’t always perfectly aligned when going up with the shot, but he just always seems to get the shot on target because of his beautiful form.

The frame is the first thing that draws you in. He’s so strong and has amazing size for a 2 guard at the next level. He can bully the opposition in the post, but often reverts back to his jump shot since he trusts it so much.

Anthony Edwards is the ultimate heat check. Throughout many games during his freshman season, he has proven that once he starts to hit a few, he can start scoring in bunches at an elite level.

Once he starts getting it going, you can feel the tide turn in a game. Edwards has the ability and has shown us time and time again that he can single handedly take over games.

Edwards has taken up the ball the majority of possessions for Georgia so we haven’t been able to see him in strictly a catch and shoot role. But, in terms of potential as a spot up shooter, he’s up there with some of the best in the 2020 NBA Draft.

Defensively we’ve seen Anthony Edwards make some nice help side plays. He isn’t asked to do too much on that end because he carries such a heavy load offensively, but what he has had to do is help out his teammates when they get beat. Edwards has shown the athleticism and timing to provide that needed assist.

The last strength to discuss for Anthony Edwards is his passing. Honestly, we have to commend Edwards because there are many instances this year where he has made an NBA level direct pass that his teammate has just fumbled. He’s a fantastic passer, rarely makes poor passes, and even makes some spectacular looks in games.


There are a few main weaknesses to highlight for Anthony Edwards right now. First off is his defensive intensity. As mentioned in the strengths section, he is asked to do so much offensively that they seriously can’t afford for him to guard the opposing best perimeter defender, but the intensity has been lacking.

Edwards when guarding a player man to man will show the ability to slide his feet and stay in front of the ball handler, but often it doesn’t keep up for the whole possession. Maybe it’s a lack of intensity or maybe it is just fatigue. Either way, that will have to change for him to earn consistent minutes in the NBA.

The next weakness that is clear for Edwards right now is his tendency to force the issue too much. Yes he needs to at times to help the team try to win, but sometimes that will lead to bad habits going forward. And that has been clear at times during games he’s played with Georgia.

He’s unbelievably skilled offensively, but he doesn’t always just take the easy shot which can hurt him in the long run.

Anthony Edwards doesn’t seem to have elite athleticism…or does he? Seeing him in high school suggests that he does, but he rarely uses it to his advantage in a real game. He can get up at times to make some blocks and has great lift on his jumpers, but otherwise he doesn’t utilize his hops at all. When he attacks the rim, he uses his handle and then strength to try to get to the rim, but rarely does he use his athleticism. In a new age NBA where everyone plays above the rim, it might be problematic for Edwards to find easy scoring opportunities early on in his career if he doesn’t start using it more.

Future Outlook:

Anthony Edwards is one of the most talented players in all of college basketball. He’s a premier shooter, has a fantastic frame, a quick first step, and can handle the ball like a point guard. The defensive intensity won’t be a weakness to worry about as much for Edwards as he transitions to the NBA and has to carry less of a load on offense.

There are a few names that should be considered up top on draft boards this upcoming year and Anthony Edwards is certainly one of them. He will be a top 5 pick barring anything drastic in the 2020 NBA Draft.

Other Media:

Anthony Edwards scores 37 points versus Michigan State


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