In the latest installment of Pepsi’s hilarious “Uncle Drew” series featuring Cleveland Cavaliers point guard Kyrie Irving, Ray Allen makes a cameo as “Walt,” Drew’s nemesis and the two square off in a game of H-O-R-S-E, with Irving proclaiming he’s “never made it past H.”
Baron Davis makes an appearance as “Louis,” one of Drew’s friends, with the clip featuring comedian JB Smoove as well.
Irving wrote and directed Chapter 4 of the Uncle Drew chronicle in Miami, and the first three segments have amassed nearly 54 million YouTube views since 2012.
Watching Irving as “Uncle Drew,” is always funny and entertaining, but us hoops-heads are starved for the former Duke Blue Devil’s return to the NBA basketball court, as the game is missing one of its most prolific ball-handlers and scorers. But for now, we’ll enjoy the comedic styles of Uncle Drew.