TJ Starks announces that he’ll be transferring to Cal State Northridge

TJ Starks
Photo Credit: Bob Leverone/AP

TJ Starks had such a promising start to his career in his first two years at Texas A&M that was unfortunately all for naught because of an arrest over a small amount of marijuana in November that led to an indefinite suspension from the team. Ten days later, Starks tweeted this out relaying his intentions to transfer from the program while also disappointed in the program’s decision.

TJ was understandably frustrated and has been looking for a college to transfer to. Today, he has announced on his Twitter that he will be playing for Cal State Northridge.

So, let’s talk a little about what TJ Starks will bring in case you haven’t seen him. Starks is undersized, but so skilled. His deep bag makes up for his size as he’s able to create plenty of separation from the defender off of the dribble. He’s more than comfortable with sizing up the opponent. He’ll break them down with the handle and then swing the pass to the open man once he’s drawn the help.

In his freshman year, Starks was fortunate enough to be surrounded by players like Robert Williams, DJ Hogg, Tyler Davis, and Admon Gilder. The following season, every one of those players had left for the NBA outside of Gilder who had to sit out the season because of a blood clot. TJ Starks was asked to pick up the slack and it was too much as the defense was able to focus most of their attention on him. The turnover numbers went up while his percentages dove down.

Now, TJ Starks is back on a team where he can feel comfortable. There is less pressure on him to be the one go to guy (even though he is great in the clutch) especially once Lamine Diane returns, while he can still be himself at times in isolation sets and get back to getting his buckets.

Check out some of his highlights that we just posted on our Instagram from his time at Texas A&M.


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