NBA 2K16 Has 12 Brand New Historic Teams


The release date of September 29th for NBA 2k16 can’t come soon enough. This news of 12 new historic teams just makes us fans want to play the game even more.

The 2006-2007 Cleveland Cavaliers come in featuring a younger and more explosive Lebron James. He led that team to a loss in the NBA Finals to the dominant San Antonio Spurs of that year.

Some other exciting teams include the 2000-2001 Lakers led by Kobe and Shaq, the 2003-2004 Minnesota Timberwolves led by Kevin Garnett, Sam Cassell, and Wally Szczerbiak. As well as the the 2002-2003 Dallas Mavericks led by the duo of Steve Nash and Dirk Nowitzki.

Surprising teams include the 2007-2008 Celtics led by the big three of Kevin Garnett, Ray Allen, and Paul Pierce, along with the 2007-2008 Houston Rockets led by Tracy McGrady and Yao Ming and the 2012-2013 Miami Heat. These teams are all classic teams that had great success in that respective year, but I am just surprised they were put into the game so soon. Personally, I would have thought they would be implemented into the game within the next couple years.

I can’t complain though, as these are the teams I remember the most in my childhood basketball memories.

I know you all are just as excited as I am to take off that cellophane wrapping on September 29th.



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