Jordan Nwora Scouting Report

Jordan Nwora

School: Louisville

Year: Junior

Height/Weight: 6’7, 225 lbs



Jordan Nwora is one of the best players in college basketball as well as one of the top upperclassman 2020 NBA draft prospects. The junior from Buffalo, NY came into college a bit under the radar, but has steadily improved his game throughout his career with Louisville and become a household name in college hoops.

He’s a really strong spot up shooter, almost always having his feet set when he catches the rock, and letting it fly with a high, quick release.

In addition to his shooting, Nwora also excels at putting it on the deck and getting to the rim, where he proceeds to finish effectively in a variety of ways. He does a nice job of attacking hard closeouts, and driving north/south to get into the lane instead of dancing on the perimeter east/west, something a lot of other perimeter players struggle with.

Nwora also has a floater with an incredibly soft touch in his repertoire, which he uses often when he gets into the lane and sees a help defender setting up to take a charge. His high IQ and awareness play a big role into his scoring ability, as he is great at knowing when to let it fly, when to pull up for a mid-range jumper or floater, or when to take it all the way to the rim.

Jordan Nwora’s height, length, and above average ball-handling are all tools that could help him turn into a successful wing at the next level. His shooting, ball-handling and all-around offensive skill allow him to be an NBA two guard. At 6’7″, his height and length would allow him to get his shot off over smaller defenders, and could help him stay in front of opponents on the defensive end. His size as well as his strong rebounding ability make him a truly versatile payer, and also allow him to play the three at the next level. On the defensive end, he is a capable on ball and an excellent off ball defender.

Nwora keeps his head on a swivel while usually making the right read on when to switch or help, and because of his size he can hold his own switching with all five positions.



Nwora is not an NBA level athlete, and may struggle keeping up with faster, stronger wings. His height and skill compensate for this weakness at the college level, but whether that translates to the next level is hard to evaluate and is very hit or miss from prospect to prospect. His frame is currently an issue as well, as he could very well get pushed around by stronger players unless he bulks up.

While he is a smart player, he often tries to force the action and will put up some bad shots or turn the ball over. However, Louisville doesn’t have a lot of playmakers this year, so he is sometimes put in these tough situations, being forced to try to make a play at the end of the shot clock or just trying too hard to get something going when none of his teammates are able to. Still, you’d like to see him cut down on these negative plays.

Jordan Nwora is a solid ball handler, but he has room for improvement and it would benefit him greatly to tighten it up, especially with his underwhelming speed and athleticism. This would increase his versatility furthermore and make him a much more attractive prospect than he currently is.

Future Outlook:

Nwora was not really on anyone’s radar before the start of the 2018-19 season, but he instantly turned heads when he became the best player on the Cardinals’ roster as a Sophomore. In establishing himself as Louisville’s go-to guy, Nwora has shown he can be an effective scorer off the bench at the next level.

It certainly looks like the decision for Nwora to come back for his junior year will pay off. He’s improved as a scorer while also upping his three point percentage, and got better as a defender and rebounder thanks to the muscle he added in the offseason. If he can continue his hot shooting and show more as a playmaker in conference play, Nwora should be a first round selection in the 2020 NBA draft.

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