Inside the Move: The Pound Dribble

Pound Dribble

The pound dribble is a move that we’re starting to see more and more in basketball today. It’s a move that can be used to initiate a change of direction or used to force a defender to fly past as the ball handler.

Similar to the quick pull-up jumper, the pound dribble is effective because it creates space by stopping on a dime. What I love about it most, is all of the possible moves that can follow up as a combination.

Coming out of the pound dribble, the ball handler rises and there is a slight pause where the player is square with the basket which gives him/her the capability to go in any direction. Whether it’s a crossover, step-back, or a between the legs step-back, the options are endless when coming out of this move. And don’t sleep on the pound dribble hesitation into a hard dribble to the basket as well.

Again, the possibilities are endless.

We’ve seen some victims to this very move this season. Recently, Donte DiVincenzo of the Milwaukee Bucks was dropped to his forearms by C.J. McCollum. The hard drive from McCollum got the young rookie moving his feet. The perfectly utilized pound dribble sent Divencenzo flying, literally with his elbows on the floor. McCollum changed direction with a simple crossover and got off a clean uncontested floater.

It’s a great move with a lot of possibilities for variations. Change of pace and explosion are important but the key is to sell the initial drive to get the defender moving. This is a move that players need to have in the bag.


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