Hacking The Flow State With Wilson Meloncelli on Soul Talk: Tapping Into The Zone

Wilson Meloncelli

Flow state trainer Wilson Meloncelli is the next featured guest in the Soul Talk series.

The flow state is mentioned often in meditation and mindfulness. It can easily be compared to what we call the zone.

Wilson Meloncelli is an ex-British MMA champion who now trains people in hacking the flow state. He helps people trigger or experience flow through physical and mental meditations. With a background in martial arts, it led Wilson to the realm of flow and becoming a master practitioner.

I found Wilson online when I bumped into a blog on his website:

7 Tips To Enter The Zone In Basketball

It sounds crazy but if you want to find flow… hack flow… tune into flow… tune into your optimal self… it takes discipline, and proper meditation.

Watch the interview below to hear Wilson break down the flow state, elements of breathing, focus, and more.


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