NBA Generations Top-Five Roundtable (2)



For Part 1 of the Panel’s top five choices, click here.




Cyril Mpacko – @Cee_Armel

DJ Allen – @DJAllen23

Martin Soares – @marley_mcfly

Ryan Kirk – @rlk716




Michael Jordan – ’84

Hakeem Olajuwon – ’84

Isiah Thomas – ’81

Charles Barkley – ’84

David Robinson -’87

The 1980’s saw a plethora of talented guys drafted that would alter the basketball landscape forever. None bigger than the Greatest of All Time, Michael Jeffrey Jordan. Coming up with a top 5 for the decade was almost like pulling teeth, but I went with production and substance. Charles Barkley is the only ringless name on my list. Interestingly enough, three members of the vaunted 1984 rookie class found themselves on my top 5 drafted of the 1980’s.



Michael Jordan – ‘84

Hakeem Olajuwon – ‘84

Charles Barkley – ‘84

Karl Malone – ‘85

David Robinson – ‘87

Being born in ’91, I had the great appreciation of witnessing the careers of the players drafted in the 80s. Even though I caught the tail end of most of their careers, it was still an honor to watch.  I believe in this discussion Michael Jordan is the easiest pick and if someone doesn’t have him in their top five, I would question their basketball knowledge. Malone and Barkley are two of the top power forwards the league has ever seen. The mailman was a pure scorer and I appreciated Barkley for his toughness and heart that he brought to the game. When it comes to Robinson and Olajuwon, their resumes speak for themselves. David is a great ambassador for the league, that has won multiple rings and Hakeem had some of the greatest post moves I’ve ever seen; that many players today emulate through his teaching.



Michael Jordan – ’84

Hakeem Olajuwon – ’84

Isiah Thomas – ’81

Charles Barkley – ’84

James Worthy – ’82



Michael Jordan – ’84

Hakeem Olajuwon – ’84

Karl Malone – ’85

Isiah Thomas – ’81

Charles Barkley – ’84





Kobe Bryant – ’96

Shaquille O’Neal – ’92

Tim Duncan – ’97

Allen Iverson – ’96

Kevin Garnett – ’95

Similar to my 80’s picks, the top 5 of the 90’s carried the torch a bit further. These are the players my generation grew up watching, so this group of guys holds a special place in my heart. Allen Iverson and Shaq changed the way players are marketed, while Kobe and Tim Duncan almost made us forget about the greats of yesteryear. KG, well who can overlook his passion?? Anything IS POSSIBLEEE!!!



Kobe Bryant – ‘96

Shaquille O’Neal – ‘92

Tim Duncan – ‘97

Allen Iverson – ‘96

Dirk Nowitzki – ‘98

The list of the 90’s was the easiest to produce.  Kobe is my favorite player of all time and what he has accomplished and done for this game has been an admiration to watch.  Shaq is the most dominant player we’ve seen and Iverson maybe the most fun to watch.  Tim Duncan is all about getting the job done which you have to respect and Dirk is the best international player we’ve ever seen.  I guarantee that you’ve pulled a one legged fadeway, playing pickup and yelled “DIRK” while you did it.



Shaquille O’Neal – ’92

Tim Duncan – ’97

Kobe Bryant – ’96

Gary Payton – ’90

Jason Kidd – ’94

This was very hard picking between Shaq and Duncan, being that Duncan won a championship in ’99 in just his second year in the league. But Shaq was very dominant with his stints at Orlando and LA in the 90s.



Kobe Bryant – ’96

Shaquille O’Neal – ’92

Allen Iverson – ’96

Tim Duncan – ’97

Tracy McGrady – ’97




LeBron James -’03

Dwayne Wade – ’03

Kevin Durant – ’07

Chris Paul – ’05

Carmelo Anthony – ’03

These 5 are pretty much no brainers. The two greatest players in the game today coupled with the best PG of this generation and two of the best scorers the game has ever seen. This 5 stacks up against many if not all.



Lebron James – ‘03

Carmelo Anthony – ‘03

Kevin Durant – ‘07

Dwayne Wade – ‘03

Stephen Curry – ‘09

Four of these guys are without question so I find no reason to go into details BUT I will explain my last pick.  Curry is taking this league by storm and proving his place in this league.  He is such an exciting player to watch; the way he can handle the ball and pull up from anywhere within a matter of seconds.  The league hasn’t really seen a player with his capabilities. Steph scores with the best of them but still gets his teammates involved. In my opinion, I believe he is a top five player of this generation.



Dwayne Wade – ’03

Lebron James – ’03

Tony Parker – ’01

Pau Gasol – ’01

Yao Ming – ’02

Can’t pick a better leader and winner who was drafted in the 2000’s than Flash, even brought Lebron James down to show him how to lead and win the big one. Arguably the third best shooting guard of all time.


LeBron James – ’03

Dwayne Wade – ’03

Kevin Durant – ’07

Chris Paul – ’03

Carmelo Anthony – ’03


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