Brooklyn Nets’ Rondae Hollis-Jefferson says 17-18 season was about establishing ‘next play mentality’

Rondae Hollis-Jefferson

Basketball Society’s Brandon ‘Scoop B’ Robinson talked hoops and more on Rolling With Ramos Podcast #28. Press Play Below To Listen!

Brooklyn Nets forward, Rondae Hollis Jefferson had a breakthrough this season. 

The Chester, PA native averaged 14.3 points per game this season and has pretty much increased his numbers in every statistical category this season.

He’s doing well!

Off the court, he’s shining too!

Realistically, Hollis-Jefferson has to be one of the most stylish Nets players that I’ve ever met.

As a matter of fact, I’d add him to a list of stylish Nets that includes his current Nets teammate, D’Angelo Russell, as well as former Nets, Kendall Gill, Sam Cassell, Michael Cage, the late Chocolate Thunder; Darryl Dawkins and Stephon Marbury.

“Man I love fashion so much,” Rondae Hollis-Jefferson told me.

“I really see it everywhere, so my inspiration comes from everywhere. The biggest thing for me when it comes to fashion is just being myself. That’s kind of how it all started with the red pants on draft night. Red’s my favorite color and I’m just one of those guys that’s not super serious you know?”

In a recent Q&A with me, RHJ spoke with me about his confidence, love for fashion and the distinction of being from Chester, PA, a breeding ground for talent in entertainment and sports.

Scoop B: You grew up in Chester, PA. There are also some other names in sports and entertainment from there: Jahlil Beats, Jameer Nelson, and Tyreke Evans, to name a few. What’s in the water and how proud are you to be from there?

Rondae Hollis-Jefferson: I’m super proud to be from Chester. Growing up there, seeing everything we saw happening around us, and having those experiences, that stuff sticks with you and that’s kind of what makes someone who’s from there the person they are. For me, being from there really motivated me to go out there every day and do everything I can do to give the people back home something to be proud of. Chester really shaped me and made me who I am today, so I’m always thinking about that and trying to pay it back with everything that I do in my life.

Scoop B: It seems as if your confidence has been sky high this season. What’s been the biggest adjustment for you?

Rondae Hollis-Jefferson: The biggest adjustment for me has definitely been mental, in terms of what my mindset is, the way I’m thinking about things and thinking about the game. I’m trying to approach everything a little differently, and be more patient and poised, less impulsive. I’ve always had tremendous confidence in myself but you know, in game situations, emotions running high, sometimes it’s easy to get off track a little. This off-season I worked really hard at being more patient and really letting the game come to me, not forcing things and especially not holding onto mistakes that happen on the court. So this season it’s really been about just really trying to keep that “next play mentality” for an entire 48 minutes, not getting stuck on it if something goes wrong or dwelling on anything. I think being able to get better at that has helped my confidence a lot.

Scoop B: Fashion is your thing literally since the moment you were drafted with those red and black pants. Where do you draw inspiration for your outfits?

Rondae Hollis-Jefferson: Man I love fashion so much — I really see it everywhere, so my inspiration comes from everywhere. The biggest thing for me when it comes to fashion is just being myself. That’s kind of how it all started with the red pants on draft night. Red’s my favorite color and I’m just one of those guys that’s not super serious you know? I like to laugh and have a good time and just be out there, so a black suit or whatever wouldn’t have really been me. So that’s how I approach fashion and my style still. If I see something that makes me feel a certain type of way, that I think would look good on me, I’m gonna wear it. I don’t care if it’s “in style” or whatever. If I like it and I think it looks good, I wear it and I feel good in it. For me, fashion is just about being me rather than trying to fit in.

Scoop B: If you were to create a fashion line, what would you call it and what would the line consist of?

Rondae Hollis-Jefferson: My line would definitely be called CHAP — it would be a representation of who I am as a person and that’s what CHAP stands for. I think what the line consists of would follow that logic too because I’d make stuff that represents my style in my day to day life, which definitely varies. I’d say I’m a mix of “athleisure”, sweats, hoodies, that kind of stuff and nicer stuff — jeans, sweaters, nice jackets. My line would be for the person who needs to be able to do it all, so it would be made up of pieces that can flex that way too.

Scoop B: You represented the NBA in South Africa this summer. What was that experience like for you?

Rondae Hollis-Jefferson: It was a really amazing experience for me, definitely one of the best things I’ve ever had the opportunity to do.  It just opened my eyes to so much, being out there and really getting to spend time in the community, see what life is like for these people and the things they’re going through. It was really humbling, to be honest. It gave me a whole new perspective and just made me realize that the things we worry about and complain about are really nothing compared to what others are going throughout in the world. It got me thinking about what’s really important in life you know, and that’s something I was able to take away from that experience and continue to carry with me since I’ve been back.



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