Tank You NBA Draft Podcast Ep 05 – NBA Draft Withdrawal Deadline

NBA Draft Withdrawal Deadline

Episode 5 is here! Pat and Aram were back this week to discuss the aftermath of the NBA Draft Withdrawal Deadline.

For those of you who don’t know, the NBA Draft Withdrawal Deadline was May 29th this year. It is the date that undergraduates, who have declared for the Draft, have the option to back out and return to college. In previous years, if players signed an agent then they were not given the option to return to college. This year, with a new NCAA rule change, they were allowed to do so.

With that in mind, it was quite unclear which players would choose to stay in the draft or defer to returning to college outside of the lottery projected stars. Some names that included Charles Bassey and Quentin Grimes were thought of as clear cut 1st round picks before this college season, but decided to stay in college late Wednesday night. That had to shock many NBA execs.

With the NBA Draft just 3 weeks away, new episodes of the Tank You NBA Draft Podcast will continue to come out each week preparing you for the June 20th date. During this episode Aram and Pat take the first half of the show to talk about some surprising players that returned to college that included some players mentioned above as well as Neemias Queta, Anthony Lamb, and Jordan Nwora among others.

Listen to the full episode here:

On next week’s episode, the guys will discuss the following teams and who they believe these teams should target in the 2019 NBA Draft:

  • Atlanta Hawks
  • Golden State Warriors
  • Indiana Pacers
  • New York Knicks
  • Oklahoma City Thunder
  • Phoenix Suns


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