Movie idea: In a sequel to Adam Sandler and Jack Nicholson’s movie, Anger Management, George Karl and Grayson Allen have to coach each other on how to behave and not grow to be resentful, old men. This is exactly what I have to talk about this week. I’m not giving my thoughts on the actual movie plot, but I do give my thoughts on the dumb stuff that these two have done within the past few days.
First, there’s Graymond…er…I mean…Grayson Allen who decided to intentionally trip a player from Elon. So, you’re probably already thinking that tripping someone intentionally is quite dirty. Well, it is, and then crying about it makes it even worse. Well Allen did both, and it’s about time that he gets suspended for it.
Then, there are the comments that George Karl decided to write in his upcoming book…
George Karl puts Carmelo Anthony on BLAST in his new book. Wow.
— Basketball Society (@BBallSociety_) December 22, 2016
That’s just a small excerpt from the book too. This book is turning out to be a huge subtweet turned into chapters and pages. So if Karl’s goal was to have more players dislike him, then he’s definitely going to achieve it.