Overlooked Number Ones



This is the first year where we have two no. 1 seeds that no one really has faith in. Both the Atlanta Hawks and the Golden State Warriors have had stellar regular seasons but the playoffs are where it all matters. We’ve seen multiple times in other sports where teams have a great regular season but a not so good postseason, such as the ’07 New England Patriots or more recently the ’15 Kentucky Wildcats. What happens in the regular season means nothing, its all about what you’re able to do come playoff time. However, you would think as number one seeds, they would be the favorites to go to the Finals, but not many people are thinking that way. In the East, the Cleveland Cavaliers and the Chicago Bulls are getting all the love. Derrick Rose has returned for Chicago which is a huge plus and LeBron and company are just on a tear as of late. Even Vegas has the Cavs favorited to win it all.
In the West, the Golden State Warriors are a little bit more trusted, but still some are looking at Memphis and Los Angeles to come out atop of the West. Many hold their lack of experience in the Finals against them and think that the pressure could get to them. Charles Barkley has wrote them off on numerous occasions on TNT due to the fact that they rely on their jump shots to win games.

“I’ve said the same thing for 16 years,” Barkley explained. “I don’t think you can win the championship, beating good teams, shooting jumpers.”

But if they were to come up short and not win it all, what would that mean? Steve Kerr and his players have opposite thoughts about this season and what the playoffs mean. Some fans believe what they’ve accomplished has been stellar and regardless of what occurs ahead, they’ve had a great season.

Steph Curry feels the complete opposite away about it.

“For the players, it is,” Curry told Yahoo Sports. “No one will be happy for anything less. If we don’t win our last game this season it’s going to be a disappointing feeling, one where we felt like we fell short.”

With the playoffs just a day away, both teams will get the chance to prove their naysayers wrong. It’s all about who wants it more and who’s willing to go get it. Will the Atlanta Hawks and the Golden State Warriors be able to prove that the regular season wasn’t a fluke?


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