Way Too Early Predictions: Kevin Durant Will Win MVP


You read the title correctly. Yes, I know that is only July 23 as I write this prediction. Where would the fun be if we can’t make ridiculously early predictions?

Everyone missed one team in the postseason this season and the biggest cause of the Oklahoma City Thunder’s downfall would be the injury bug. Kevin Durant couldn’t stay on the court, Russell Westbrook missed some games, and the supporting cast missed a lot of games as well. The team was still fun to watch, however, because we all got to enjoy the sight of Westbrook tearing up the competition with triple-doubles everywhere! One person was missing though, and he happened to be the reigning MVP at the time too.

Kevin Durant has had a chip on his shoulder ever since making it to the Finals and coming up short. Now, I bet you he has a whole bag of chips on his shoulder! After a MVP season and early bounce in the playoffs, coming back the next season just to get hurt and miss the playoffs was probably a very angering situation. I know that I despised having to sit on the bench in street clothes whenever I was hurt, so I’d imagine Durant could not be more anxious to get back on the court next season.

(Photo by Ronald Martinez/Getty Images)
(Photo by Ronald Martinez/Getty Images)

Let us not forget what exactly this man can do when he’s at full health. Every time I look at the picture above, I’m more and more amazed that he actually made that shot. He can tear up a defense in the blink of an eye, and he has proven that he can also lead a team to the NBA Finals. Plus, he can also do some crazy things like that shot in the playoffs and this:


Here’s the prediction part to this Kevin Durant tribute. He’s going to average 33 points, 6 assists, and 6 rebounds per game next season. Yes, I said THIRTY-THREE points! He’s going to grab the scoring title along with the MVP award and we’re going to see this Thunder team make a nice run in the postseason. So bow down Steph Curry, the “real” MVP is back!



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