My Monstars squad for Space Jam 2


When it comes to movies, especially classics, sometimes there is no necessity for a sequel. Often too much time has expired in between movies and like in this case, the second movie just won’t live up to the first. I do not approve of Space Jam 2 simply because it’s a childhood classic that just does not need to be recreated. No matter what’s done in this movie, it will not top the original, because as we’ve learned in life, nothing Michael Jordan does can be topped.


With that being said, even though I’m disgusted with this, I’m still interested as who will be LeBron’s competitors in this movie. In the original, Michael Jordan had to play against the Monstars of Moron Mountain that took talent from NBA players. Those players being: Charles Barkley, Shawn Bradley, Patrick Ewing, Larry Johnson, and Muggsy Bogues. If Space Jam 2 follows the same suit, they to will have a Monstars squad that will have to take on LeBron and the Looney Tunes cast. In my opinion, there are a few guys that I would like to see join that cast and they are as follows:

Getty Images/Thearon W. Henderson
Getty Images/Thearon W. Henderson

Kobe Bryant

Kobe and LeBron love to deny their rivalry but during one point, they were the two of the biggest faces in the league. Also, Kobe has always embraced his villain role during his career and this could be an interesting way to portray that side. Basketball has always loved Kobe vs. LeBron so why not give us that here.

Kevin C. Cox/Getty Images
Kevin C. Cox/Getty Images

Paul Pierce

Pierce has been one of LeBron’s biggest opponents throughout his career. He’s always played him tough and made his life a living hell. The intensity between these two was always at a high level and even LeBron acknowledged their great rivalry.


Tim Duncan

Tim Duncan has been one of LeBron’s nemesis when it comes to the NBA Finals. They’ve met 3 total times and Duncan and the Spurs have gotten the better of LeBron in two of those match-ups. Plus not to mention, Tim Duncan is a legend of this generation and a character in his own right that could be depicted very well in this movie.

Chris Humphreys-USA TODAY Sports
Chris Humphreys-USA TODAY Sports

Kevin Durant

No matter when and where these two guys match-up, it’s going to be a show and you’re going to do whatever it takes to make sure you have eyes on it. These guys are two of the best we have in the game today and they have been for the past couple of years.

Kyle Terada / USA Today Sports
Kyle Terada / USA Today Sports

Stephen Curry

The NBA is Steph Curry’s league and he has taken that throne from LeBron James. Curry has become the phenomena and even though James’s play has not diminished one bit, it has just been overlooked by Steph’s dominance.

LeBron James Lance StephensonLance Stephenson (Honorable Mention)

If the producers have a problem getting one of those other guys, Lance Stephenson would be a great back up. When at his best, he’s proven that he’s a dynamic player but also, his personality and character would be great for the Monstars. Plus, we all remember the infamous blowing in LeBron’s ear tactic. I’m sure the producers could do something funny with that.


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