Dear LeBron James from a Kobe Bryant fan

LeBron James

Dear LeBron James,

First and foremost, Welcome to LA!

I never thought I’d be saying that but here we are.

I’m going to start off by saying, I didn’t want you on the Lakers. As crazy as it sounds, I know I probably speak for many who felt that same way. It had nothing to do with talent, but more from a stubborn place. In my 26 years of existence, I spent many hours arguing basketball and a lot of it was not in your favor.

The day you entered the league, you were immediately heralded as the best player in the NBA. As if Kobe Bryant didn’t exist. That’s where the feud started. A lot of James vs. Bryant debates were held all across the globe with each side discrediting what the other has done. It created a rivalry and a split in basketball that has never been mended. When the rumors began of the possibility of you joining the Lakers, there were many of us who said no. Mainly because of this narrative of Bryant vs. James.

The constant comparisons and questions of where do they rank amongst the greats have been persistent. Every time one accomplished something, we were quickly reminded of where he ranked in regards to the other. We were forced to talk about who was better and compare you two when in regards there was no comparison needed. You’re both great in your own entity with two different personalities and styles of play.  With Bryant being the last heralded superstar in LA, we’ve been waiting for the next one however considering the past, the last player we thought we wanted to take over is you.

When it was announced that you were coming to the Lakers on a four-year deal, I couldn’t be more ecstatic. When the news first broke I found myself with a  stupid grin on my face. My fiance stood right beside me and said, “We still don’t like LeBron“. I tell you, in all honesty, we weren’t fans but now we’re more than willing to make amends.

I was in shock about the signing because I realized that the Lakers are going to have LeBron James! The thing is Bryant fans always knew you were talented but we had to downplay it due to circumstances. Nobody wins a debate by complimenting the other party, that’s just dumb.

With that being said, I’m looking forward to next season. I welcome you with open arms and can’t wait to see what you can do in a purple and gold jersey. With the young talent that’s currently on the roster, I believe you will compliment them well. I can’t wait to see how the young kids operate beside you. It’s a great chance for them to learn the game and better themselves as basketball players from a true professional. This moment is yours for the taking. The Los Angeles franchise has seen greats like Earvin Magic Johnson, Kareem Abdul Jabbar, Shaquille O’Neal and Bryant himself. Now you’re next in line to leave your legacy on a well-awarded franchise.


DJ Allen


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