Bill Walton told his son, Luke Walton to stay in Golden State


Luke Walton has experienced much success with the Golden State Warriors, winning a championship last season and en route to try and repeat on a second. He began his head coaching career off right, as he stepped in as interim Head Coach while Steve Kerr was out with an ailing back. He got a fresh start on the record breaking season as the Warriors went 39-4 under Walton before Kerr returned. That success got him a head coaching job with the Los Angeles Lakers beginning next season and Lakers’s management are very happy with their decision. General Manager, Mitch Kupchak is very confident in what Luke Walton can bring to the table.

“We’re excited to bring Luke back to Los Angeles, where we feel he’s going to start an outstanding coaching career,” said General Manager Mitch Kupchak in a statement.

“He’s one of the brightest young coaching minds in the game and we feel fortunate that he’ll be leading the on-court future of our team.”

The Lakers is a great fit for Luke Walton; he’s a young coach and with the team being so young, the players can gravitate and relate to him. The fact that he played for Los Angeles for majority of his career is a big factor to. Luke has that championship experience as a player and as a coach which will benefit the players under him.

Scott Strazzante, The Chronicle
Scott Strazzante, The Chronicle

However, even though it all sounds like flowers and roses, there was one particular person that tried to talk Luke Walton out of leaving Golden State. That person being his Hall-of-Fame father, Bill Walton who in an interview with KTVK-TV in Phoenix, explained that he tried to talk his son out of any head coaching gig:

“Stay where he is, head coaching jobs are open for a reason,” Walton said. “What he has right now doesn’t get any better than that. Money cannot buy what they have on the Warriors right now.”

When looking at the situation, there’s valid points from both sides. Bill poses a great stance, its not going to get much greater than what it is right now in Golden State. They have a great core of guys who have bought in, that have the capability of winning multiple championships, as their striving for their second straight. Winning is fun and when you watch the Golden State Warriors, they honestly look like their having the time of their lives from the last player on the bench to the head coach. However, Luke’s decision is not necessarily a bad one either. These opportunities only come once in a lifetime, especially to get to coach for the team you played for most of your career. The job may not look that appealing right now because they stink as a team but that’s what coaching is about, progression. There’s nothing better than seeing your players improve and get better. And if Luke Walton can make a dynasty out of these guys and get a ring in a few years down the road, that will be 10 times sweeter than any championship he won with the Golden State Warriors.


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