Thaddeus Young Takes 'Indefinite' Leave After Mother's Death


According to Phil Ervin of Fox Sports, Thaddeus Young will be with his family mourning the loss of his mother instead of playing with the Wolves.


Thaddeus Young’s mother, Lula Hall, passed away on Thursday. The team has granted him an “indefinite” leave while he goes through mourning the woman that he says kept him in line. The team issued this statement:

“The Timberwolves organization is deeply saddened to learn of the passing yesterday of Lula Hall, Thaddeus Young’s mother. The Timberwolves send our condolences to the Young and Hall families in this difficult time. Thad will be away from the team with his family for an indefinite period of time, including tonight’s game at New Orleans and Saturday night’s game at Dallas.”

Young’s parents played big parts in his life even though they never married. He said that his mother was the one who kept him in line as a child, and his dad was the one who taught him the game. 

Through seven games, Thaddeus Young is averaging 14.3 points, 5 rebounds, and 1.6 steals per game. Our thoughts and prayers here at Basketball Society go out to Young and his family. 




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