PODCAST: Society Slam Episode 6


Hello everyone and welcome back to another episode of the Society Slam. Myself (@FonzyDeFalco), Alec Walt (@AlecWalt) and new member of the Slam Ryan Hayes (@rphayes21) are back after a couple of weeks of complete hiatus in the podcast world. Today we discuss out predictions for the All-NBA, All-Defensive and All-Rookie teams (for my complete list, you can check it out here). We also play the lottery using the ESPN Lottery Machine and do own mock draft with the first 14 picks. Lastly, we discuss the mystery man of this upcoming draft in Thon Maker and where he might possibly end up (For more on Maker, check out Alec Walt’s post here).

Here are the certain times if you would like to jump to different sections.

  • Introduction: 0:12
  • All-NBA First Team prediction: 0:45
  • All-NBA Second Team prediction: 8:08
  • All-NBA Third Team prediction: 13:38
  • All-Defensive First Team prediction: 19:05
  • All-Rookie First Team prediction: 21:39
  • Lottery Mock Draft: 25:21
  • The Mystery of Thon Maker: 45:32

Questions? Comments? Let us know and remember to tweet at us using the #SocietySlam if want a chance to be featured on the show. Enjoy!


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