What will we see from LeBron James today?

LeBron James

What will we see from LeBron James in a first-round elimination game?

An aggressive yet expressive one I would assume, especially after coming off of a bad Game 6 loss. James isn’t one who’s accustomed to taking first round exits in the playoffs. It hasn’t happened yet and he should do whatever it takes to not let that happen today.

While James is one of the most decorated athletes that we have in today’s game, he’s still highly scrutinized. Despite everything that he has accomplished in his 15-season career, we still look at him under a microscope. I say that to say, a Cleveland loss tonight would set the world on fire. So much scrutiny of how he couldn’t lead his team past the first round and discussions of if he’s leaving will immediately begin. With  James being the intelligent and well-calculated guy that he is, I know for a fact that he’s well aware of what comes with a possible loss today.

James HAS to be aggressive coming out of the gate and set the tone for Cleveland if they want to advance. The fans of Cleveland are going to be going crazy and they have to feed off of that energy. James has to force Indiana to double team him to make things easier for his shooters around him. While they’ve struggled in this series, I believe with all the hype in the arena, tonight could be the night that they knock down shots. But it has to start with James.

His numbers for this series has been incredible and you’re probably thinking he’s done everything, what else does he have to do? I’m saying he has to ‘ball-hog’ in a sense. He can’t be stopped. Lance Stephenson can try all of the tactics that he wants but it’s not going to stop the King. I think this is the game that James has to say, ‘Okay, you physically have to make me cough the ball up every possession.’ He has to rule and take over. While it’s only Game 7 of the first round, the expectations of James is out of this world. So it’s on him to take reign and be the best player in the world like we expect him to be.


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