2018 Point Guard PJ Byrd Talks About His Upcoming Commitment

PJ Byrd
Photo By: Ani Umana

Class of 2018 Houston Defenders point guard, PJ Byrd is set to make his commitment tonight at 7 pm CT, 8 pm ET.

The 6’1″ 170lbs is an electrifying point guard who innately has a pass-first mentality. PJ is an excellent on-ball defender with quick hands that leads to many steals and transition points. He has no problem pulling up for three or from mid-range, which he does fairly efficiently.

PJ is the type of kid who worries about his teammates and not himself. This quality seems to be my personal favorite of PJ’s. I had the pleasure to speak with PJ earlier to talk about his summer and his commitment coming up tonight.

How did you enjoy playing on the Under Armour Circuit this Summer?

PJ: It was great, I really believe Under Armour is the toughest circuit. The competition is always up every game, so nothing is easy.

Who was your toughest one-on-one matchup this summer?

PJ: Tyler Harris. He’s a very fast guard who shoots the ball at a high rate. He’s a great friend and a great competitor.

Why make a commitment tonight versus waiting longer into your senior year?

PJ: I feel like when you love a school and it fits best for you, then why wait longer than you have to.

What official visits stuck out to you?

PJ: Boise State was a good one. The people in Idaho were very generous and loved their basketball team. The campus is in a beautiful place as well.

VCU really stood out because their new facility for basketball was just remodeled that cost 25 million dollars. Since they don’t have a football team, the attention is mostly on the basketball team. Everyone in the city is together and everyone wants to just win.

Are there any fellow Class of 2018 guys you would like to commit with and play with on the next level?

PJ: I wouldn’t mind playing with my teammates on my AAU team again. Those are some special guys.

Is there a certain style of basketball you like to play?

PJ: I like playing up tempo basketball. I enjoy getting after it on the defensive end to get turnovers and points on the other end. It fires me up.

What do you consider your strengths and weaknesses on the court?

PJ: My vision and shooting are definitely my strengths on the court. I think one thing my AAU coach was trying to get through to me was being better in late game situations.

What do you do differently than anyone else on the court?

PJ: I’m always talking and trying to make sure my teammates are okay and ready to play at a high level.

What player do you compare yourself to?

PJ: Damian Lillard because he can see the floor as a point guard and also score the ball when needed.

How do you see your game translating to the next level?

PJ: I think getting stronger is going to be a big part for me. That’s going to help play at a higher level in college.

What are your goals for your senior year?

PJ: To win a state championship and make sure everyone around me is uplifted.

With PJ making his decision tonight, it seems that Boise State and VCU are the front-runners. With PJ being a pass first and defensive minded Point Guard, I personally feel like he is leaning towards VCU. VCU just seems to fit his style of play. When I was talking to him it seems he wants to go to a basketball school which Boise State as we all know is a football school. It will be interesting where he lands tonight, but whoever lands PJ will be getting an immediate impact Point Guard.


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